Some might say God, America, etc.
What about Yourself? Do you Believe in You?
Got you thinking yet? I can see , some might get defensive about this and some might get confused so let me spell it out. How do you Feel about You? Do you like yourself? Do you wonder why everything wrong happens just to You? Do you feel like Life just keeps shoveling allllll the crap to You? Feel like you have a magnet on your forehead that says I'm a Loser?
How about this... Life is pretty good... the sun came out today and I have New chance to get it right. Well...
But how do you feel about You? Do you look in the mirror and see someone who is doing the Little things every day that make a difference in their life? Are you proud of who you are because you always do the best you can? How many can look in the mirror and tell themselves " I love this person just because " ...
We are All Worthy of Love and Respect no matter who we are. You Can believe in Can be Confident as any other person is...just by being You. You can learn how to do that with this Awesome group of people at Mentoring for Free .
We Deserve to be Successful...most people just don't get that right away. They feel like they have to Be more or Do more or whatever More than they are and that is just simply Not true. Inside there is a person who is deserving just because they are themselves. BE yourself... not someone somebody else thinks you should be. We are All special and Unique by Nature. That's how it's Supposed to be.
A lot of people who start a business from home get caught in the Be somebody they Hate trap. I was there myself when I first started a business. It was the Pits of Hell Trying to Be something I just was Not! It's taken me a long time and the right people to Teach me that I can Be who I am and do a Great Job of that and Be Successful allllll at the same time! Who woulda thunk it! : )
I can remember doing all those cold calls and Hating every minute of it. All those Bloody NO's! They say it takes 99 No's to get a Yes but they don't tell you it will erode your self esteem right into the ground if you are not a Heavy Hitter to begin with! Ok... How they should have brought that about would be to say if someone says No they are not saying you are not a good enough person... They are just Not at the right time in Their Life to accept what you have to offer. Now doesn't that sound a Lot less threatening! Ok it's nothing personal and if I keep in touch and Build a Relationship.... hmmm someday maybe that person Will be at the right time.. Huh. Oh... there goes that Perception thing again. It's perfectly Natural for someone to feel bad when they get all those No's. It's also perfectly Natural for timing to be off and it's OK to say thank you for your time and just go on to someone else. Oh I think there is an epiphany in there! Do you see it? It took me a long time to really Get it that the other person on the other end of my phone wasn't being Personal with me. They just didn't have the time or money or something was going on in Their Life that was a problem. It wasn't Me! That is So Liberating!
As you can see I finally made it back to work again. Yea it's been a bit since I had time to get on here. Didn't miss me? Someday I will say something that Resonates with you and you will then :) It alll takes T I M E..... timing is everything and some time or other the Time will be right for You. Congratulations! when that happens. It will when you least expect it. It will because by then You will Believe in You... just like I Believe in's coming.
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