Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to save credits when clicking

I'd like to add to what I wrote previously. Since I've been clicking away again I've noticed lots of sites that come up blank due to the domain server not being changed to the site or the site not being properly published. CHECK your site before you add them to any traffic exchange! I can not count the number of credits that were quite simple Wasted in doing this :) I know and Understand how Thrilling it is to get things up and going! HOOO Boy! It's such a RUSH! The Object is to Make money and if you are throwing away credits, especially if you are Paying for those credits and not using a Free traffic exchange, then those people are not seeing your information NOR are they gleaning Anything of your opportunity. That is just Sad . So it takes a day or a few hours. Making sure everything is running Smooth, will in the end , result in MORE people seeing your information and a much better chance of getting what you want. Make sense?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That makes good sense to me. Good info, thanks

Leroy W.