Friday, November 5, 2010

To Swing or not to Swing

Well I suppose we have all reached an area or time in our lives when we reach the end of our rope. So what do you do when that happens? I choose to Swing like a Baboon! lol! I've upgraded sites and fixed links . I got back into a back office of Mentoring for Free and sent out emails.I'm clicking for credits and have new ads out . Basically I'm starting from scratch but with renewed Vigor and most importantly Focus! One can always learn new and better ways from the upline. IF your upline is Team oriented of course :) I am thankful that my team is one of the best. I plan to make my personal team as good as the one's who "raised"  me. A good team leader will nurture and TEACH ideas and plans that are duplicate able. They will teach you HOW to think not What to think. To begin you need to have a Dream worth dying for. Literally it has to be something that drives you with intent and purpose. Next you need Laser Focus so you don't do what I did and run off the road! It's OK to do that and sometimes Life comes at you and before you know it you're side tracked. The main thing is not losing sight of what drove you in the first place and that is Your Dream. Sometimes it's all about Timing. It can be that simple.The best way to swing is with a team. Find a team or hey, call on ME! Been there done that so I can help you through those hurdles as long as you are Committed to your Success I can help you find the way easily and consistently and that is with teamwork and Education. Yes we all need to be educated when working from home. Why? Would you let your Dentist operate on your dog? I think not! Same thing. A home business is a environment that serves us better if we Know what we are doing. Let an Experienced person teach you. Some one who's been in the business over 28 years.That is a knowledgeable person and one I Trust to lead me on the Correct path. My Team Leader is one the Best. Michael D'loughy and he will not bull shit you. He speaks it like it is. The first thing he says to someone entering this field? "It's NOT your fault! It really isn't. I was lied to by SO many different companies and Michael went straight to the bone. Read on and learn from my mistakes so you can teach others how not to go there :) As some would say the best road to Success is paved with Mistakes. How profound.  Pay it forward my friends!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to save credits when clicking

I'd like to add to what I wrote previously. Since I've been clicking away again I've noticed lots of sites that come up blank due to the domain server not being changed to the site or the site not being properly published. CHECK your site before you add them to any traffic exchange! I can not count the number of credits that were quite simple Wasted in doing this :) I know and Understand how Thrilling it is to get things up and going! HOOO Boy! It's such a RUSH! The Object is to Make money and if you are throwing away credits, especially if you are Paying for those credits and not using a Free traffic exchange, then those people are not seeing your information NOR are they gleaning Anything of your opportunity. That is just Sad . So it takes a day or a few hours. Making sure everything is running Smooth, will in the end , result in MORE people seeing your information and a much better chance of getting what you want. Make sense?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Baby Steps

Well I have heard that taking baby steps is the sure way to succeed. Baby Steps create the Miracle not the other way around! Somehow Life got in the way yet again but here I am like a copper penny ready to move forward once again :) Time is forever so missing a , Wow has it been a year? doesn't matter much in the scheme of things. What matters is I am ready and Believing in myself Finally. Do you Believe in yourself? Would you like to? This group of people has been So instrumental in my progress so once again I must give thanks and appreciation where it is due :) The great and unselfish thing about Mentoring for Free is that they already Believe in who ever comes knocking until we can believe in ourselves. Isn't that Amazing?! What I find more amazing than that is these people help you Understand if you were having a problem with an online business and were Failing Most people...IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!

Friday, April 13, 2007

What do you believe in?

Some might say God, America, etc.
What about Yourself? Do you Believe in You?

Got you thinking yet? I can see , some might get defensive about this and some might get confused so let me spell it out. How do you Feel about You? Do you like yourself? Do you wonder why everything wrong happens just to You? Do you feel like Life just keeps shoveling allllll the crap to You? Feel like you have a magnet on your forehead that says I'm a Loser?
How about this... Life is pretty good... the sun came out today and I have New chance to get it right. Well...

But how do you feel about You? Do you look in the mirror and see someone who is doing the Little things every day that make a difference in their life? Are you proud of who you are because you always do the best you can? How many can look in the mirror and tell themselves " I love this person just because " ...
We are All Worthy of Love and Respect no matter who we are. You Can believe in Can be Confident as any other person is...just by being You. You can learn how to do that with this Awesome group of people at Mentoring for Free .

We Deserve to be Successful...most people just don't get that right away. They feel like they have to Be more or Do more or whatever More than they are and that is just simply Not true. Inside there is a person who is deserving just because they are themselves. BE yourself... not someone somebody else thinks you should be. We are All special and Unique by Nature. That's how it's Supposed to be.

A lot of people who start a business from home get caught in the Be somebody they Hate trap. I was there myself when I first started a business. It was the Pits of Hell Trying to Be something I just was Not! It's taken me a long time and the right people to Teach me that I can Be who I am and do a Great Job of that and Be Successful allllll at the same time! Who woulda thunk it! : )
I can remember doing all those cold calls and Hating every minute of it. All those Bloody NO's! They say it takes 99 No's to get a Yes but they don't tell you it will erode your self esteem right into the ground if you are not a Heavy Hitter to begin with! Ok... How they should have brought that about would be to say if someone says No they are not saying you are not a good enough person... They are just Not at the right time in Their Life to accept what you have to offer. Now doesn't that sound a Lot less threatening! Ok it's nothing personal and if I keep in touch and Build a Relationship.... hmmm someday maybe that person Will be at the right time.. Huh. Oh... there goes that Perception thing again. It's perfectly Natural for someone to feel bad when they get all those No's. It's also perfectly Natural for timing to be off and it's OK to say thank you for your time and just go on to someone else. Oh I think there is an epiphany in there! Do you see it? It took me a long time to really Get it that the other person on the other end of my phone wasn't being Personal with me. They just didn't have the time or money or something was going on in Their Life that was a problem. It wasn't Me! That is So Liberating!

As you can see I finally made it back to work again. Yea it's been a bit since I had time to get on here. Didn't miss me? Someday I will say something that Resonates with you and you will then :) It alll takes T I M E..... timing is everything and some time or other the Time will be right for You. Congratulations! when that happens. It will when you least expect it. It will because by then You will Believe in You... just like I Believe in's coming.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

On the subject of Ads

I was doing my daily clicking for credits for my ad account tonight and I happened to notice...again, how many Ads are out there with miss- spellings, incomplete headlines and broken or miss- placed links. Oh yea, then there are Ads that no longer work due to who knows why. Maybe somebody got dumped. That would suck. If your company policy is that they can terminate you for any or no reason or discontinue your use of their web sites, well my advice is to look into that Before you join that company and All your hard work and effort go down the proverbial toilet.

Onward and forward... there are somethings you should know and if you don't know then prepare to take notes ;)

1. Make sure you Spell out what you are typing correctly. Use that spell checker . It's just more Professional and that Is what you are working for yes? Would I bother looking at someones site when the spelling is simple awful? Probably not. When I am loooking for anything I would like for the person with whom I would do future business to at least have an education. Sounds harsh when spelled out that way but the truth is I'm betting most of you would feel very similar.

2. If the word does not fit on your headline... choose another word or write another headline that fits :) Why? I can't speak for other's so this is just my view. When I can't see the whole picture I figure whats the point of making the effort to actually spend much time there? I am as busy as the next and the best chance of getting my attention is to have a whole sentence I don't have to guess at :)

3. Make Sure your Link Works Before you put it out there! Oh my God it is So frustrating to go to a page where I have to guess who the owner is that sent me there.I bet you've been there done that :) An Ad hooks your curiosity and you open the link and they want the Name of the person who Referred you! No getting in until you fill in that little box with the correct information. OOOOPs!!! Mostly I'm betting you have No Clue. Off you go to another page and that poor person who obviously doesn't Know what the problem is , is still out there also clicking their fingers to the bone pretty much for nothing and wondering Why their page is not drawing them In! Huh, go figure. Type the URL in your browser window and see if it goes where it's supposed to. SAVE yourself a LOT of Frustration and Check that link Before you put it out there :)

3 little things to check Before you put an Ad out and it could save you time and maybe make you more Money. :) Of course there is the issue of writing good Ads. Well, I am not an expert on that so trial and error is how I deal with it. Make sure you have a way to Track your Ad and that goes a long way to helping you develop Better Ads. If your not getting what you think you should be... change the Ad. The simple little things in Life you can do to make your business more Successful.

Hopping off my soap box for tonight :) Make each day a Great One! Keep it Positive...You have the Power of Choice.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How do you spend your off time

Hi again.

Here I am caught up in one of those seemingly "it can't happen to me but it did " things. Maybe it's happened to you or someone you know. Ok, I have some time off work so what am I going to do about that? I am working on my blog for one thing. I am putting together a new website and working on something creative to move my business forward.

That is one of the things I love about working from Home. I can choose my hours and I can choose to spend Time with the things that matter most to me in Life. There are many ways to do this with out spending a ton of money too :) Lots of free advertising out there. Paper is pretty cheap, or can be if you have a printer on your desk and can find an outlet that has reasonable prices. If you don't have a very refined imagination there is a Team that can help you come up with ideas. Or you can borrow theirs. That is part of having something Duplicatable. Something that works for all. If it only works for you, you aren't going to have a very Successful down line. If your people are struggling then whats the point? Team work. It's all Good. Do you have any clue how to choose a company that will work For you instead of Against you??? I can help you figure that out through here, 5 Pillars of Success and I'm just a phone call or e-mail away.

A Home Business. There are many out there to choose from. Not all will work for the Average person with a tight income line. I found a place that I call my Home and you can take a tour of it here

costs nothing but a bit of time so you have nothing to lose and Everything to Gain!

Positive Thinking. If I can do it, Anybody can!

If your new to the idea of working from home then you should know there are Skills you Need to be Successful. Take a look around you. How would you feel about going to your Dr. if he didn't have any training?? I am coaching and training in my spare time now and maybe I can help You. If you read the e-book Success in 10 Steps then you've taken the first step. You can contact me anytime to set up a one to one coaching session.

Moving Forward is what it's all about. No matter What.

Successful people Do what Unsuccessful people Won't do. Are you Up for the Challenge?

You Deserve Success!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Success and Perception

Perception is a powerful thing. Each person sees everything they experience differently. Every time we go through one of Life's Lessons we learn or we don't. It took me awhile to learn how to blog. It took me awhile to learn the in's and out's of Network Marketing. Took some hard knocks and ultimately I figured out that there were some things about me I needed to change. I heard somewhere that we are always What we are and Who we are is constantly changing. Very true especially if we are learning and growing. I think learning is an ongoing procedure that doesn't end until We do.

What does it take to Succeed? What steps do we have to take to ensure we will Be Successful? That depends on whether or not you have any Dreams left. Ever imagine being someone who could take on the world and actually Win? When you were a child, what did You dream about? Are your Dreams still alive waiting to be achieved or are they buried, lost and forgotten?

A Dream can be the motivation in how soon we become What we are seeking. That could be different things to different people. Depends on You . What you think, how you Feel about anything in particular. I can tell you this, it takes a lot of Work. There is No get rich scheme that works. Doesn't happen. I take a baby step and keep on truckin until I get where I want to be. Bad things happen sometimes, things get in my way. Slows me down some but Never makes me quit. Dreams can be a Powerful Positive Force.

What you put out is what you get back. Think Negative all the time and , yep, the Universe hears you loud and clear and here comes Everything You Don't want in your life compiling like mad! Think about this for a minute. Think Positive thoughts and what will happen then? Any Idea? I know one thing for sure. If you don't Know How to think, there will sure be someone out there who can Tell you what to do. If you want to learn how to think instead of being told What to Think I can help with that. I have a free e-book you can find here.

On the subject of books. Here's something I found incredibly enlightening. It's called The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. It's focus is on how all these Little everyday things we Could do, or Not do... can help create a more focused advance to the Success we all Deserve. You can find it several ways. has it or you can do a search by title and author and it brings up a lot of places.

Read it and Change your Life.