Sunday, March 18, 2007

Success and Perception

Perception is a powerful thing. Each person sees everything they experience differently. Every time we go through one of Life's Lessons we learn or we don't. It took me awhile to learn how to blog. It took me awhile to learn the in's and out's of Network Marketing. Took some hard knocks and ultimately I figured out that there were some things about me I needed to change. I heard somewhere that we are always What we are and Who we are is constantly changing. Very true especially if we are learning and growing. I think learning is an ongoing procedure that doesn't end until We do.

What does it take to Succeed? What steps do we have to take to ensure we will Be Successful? That depends on whether or not you have any Dreams left. Ever imagine being someone who could take on the world and actually Win? When you were a child, what did You dream about? Are your Dreams still alive waiting to be achieved or are they buried, lost and forgotten?

A Dream can be the motivation in how soon we become What we are seeking. That could be different things to different people. Depends on You . What you think, how you Feel about anything in particular. I can tell you this, it takes a lot of Work. There is No get rich scheme that works. Doesn't happen. I take a baby step and keep on truckin until I get where I want to be. Bad things happen sometimes, things get in my way. Slows me down some but Never makes me quit. Dreams can be a Powerful Positive Force.

What you put out is what you get back. Think Negative all the time and , yep, the Universe hears you loud and clear and here comes Everything You Don't want in your life compiling like mad! Think about this for a minute. Think Positive thoughts and what will happen then? Any Idea? I know one thing for sure. If you don't Know How to think, there will sure be someone out there who can Tell you what to do. If you want to learn how to think instead of being told What to Think I can help with that. I have a free e-book you can find here.

On the subject of books. Here's something I found incredibly enlightening. It's called The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. It's focus is on how all these Little everyday things we Could do, or Not do... can help create a more focused advance to the Success we all Deserve. You can find it several ways. has it or you can do a search by title and author and it brings up a lot of places.

Read it and Change your Life.

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